هكذا سيتم تبادل الأسرى بعد اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار بغزة (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 10 )           »          مرض الشلل الرعاشي (باركنسون) (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 3 - عددالزوار : 4955 )           »          دانييل تشابو..سياسي ومحامي ورجل قانون موزمبيقي (رئيس موزمبيق) (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 22 )           »          مرشح الحزب الحاكم في موزمبيق يؤدي اليمين رئيسا للبلاد (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 21 )           »          بنود اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في قطاع غزة يناير 2025 (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 3 - عددالزوار : 32 )           »          محاكمة ساركوزي.. ماذا جرى تحت خيمة القذافي في 2005؟ (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 2 - عددالزوار : 26 )           »          تأكيد رسمي عن إبرام الصفقة وترامب يتحدث عن إطلاق المحتجزين قريبا (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 20 )           »          هل يفعلها الجيش السوداني ويسيطر على الخرطوم ويهزم الدعم السريع؟ (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 24 )           »          ماذا حققت دعوى جنوب أفريقيا ضد إسرائيل أمام محكمة العدل الدولية؟ (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 22 )           »          هجوم روسي واسع بالصواريخ الباليستية وكييف تصدر إنذارا جويا وطنيا (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 19 )           »          اتفاقية 1968 بين فرنسا والجزائر.. معاهدة لتنظيم الهجرة (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 22 )           »          لواء فاطميون (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 23 )           »          تجدد الاشتباكات في جنين ومطالب للسلطة بإعادة الاستقرار إلى المخيم (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 19 )           »          الجيش الإسرائيلي ينسف مباني جنوبي لبنان ويضاعف خروقاته (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 20 )           »          الحوثيون يعلنون مهاجمة أهداف في تل أبيب وإيلات (اخر مشاركة : الباسل - عددالردود : 0 - عددالزوار : 24 )           »         

العودة   ..[ البســـالة ].. > جناح المواضــــيع العســـــــــكرية العامة > Department of General military subjects in English
التعليمـــات قائمة الأعضاء وسام التقويم البحث مشاركات اليوم اجعل كافة الأقسام مقروءة

Flight Air France 447 Rio de Janeiro - Paris-Charles de GaulleFrançais

Department of General military subjects in English

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع

قديم 04-06-09, 08:04 PM

  رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
المديــر العـــام

الصورة الرمزية الباسل

إحصائية العضو

الباسل غير متواجد حالياً

رسالتي للجميع

افتراضي Flight Air France 447 Rio de Janeiro - Paris-Charles de GaulleFrançais


  • Flight Air France 447 Rio de Janeiro - Paris-Charles de Gaulle

  • Paris, 03 June 2009 - 13:21 local time

    Archbishop Of Paris Press Release


    Versão brasileira abaixo
    The ceremony will be attended by Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris and President of the Bishops Conference of France, Grand Rabbi Haïm Korsia, the Jewish Chaplain for Air Personnel, Mr. Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the French Council of Muslim Faith, Metropolite Emmanuel, President of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops of France and Pastor Claude Baty, President of the Protestant Federation of France.
    In addition to the Grand Rabbi Haïm Korsia, the Catholic, Protestant and Muslim Chaplains of Paris-Charles de Gaulle will attend: Father Francis Truptil, Father Gérard Sqarcioni, Father Baudouin Tournemire, Pastor Jean Pierre Dassonville and Imam Hazem El-Shaffei.
    This ceremony has been prepared together with Air France. It will be a moment of contemplation and prayer for the families and friends of the victims, in a spirit of unity among people from every country and religious belief. Readings will therefore be made in French, English and Brazilian. Prayers will be accompanied by hymns in French, Latin and German by the Choirs of Notre-Dame de Paris and Air France.
    At the start of the ceremony, His Eminence Cardinal Vingt-Trois will propose that the families and friends of the victims carry 228 lighted candles to the altar, each one symbolizing a victim.
    The families may then take the candle away with them after the ceremony.

    Music and Readings:
    • Introit from Requiem op. 9, by Maurice Duruflé (Choir of Notre Dame)
    • Psalm 42 Wie der Hirsch, by Felix Mendelssohn (Air France Choir)
    • Reading: Lamentations 3, 17-26
    • Psalm 129 (Choir of Notre Dame and congregation)
    • I have waited for thee O Lord. My soul hath relied on his word
    • Reading from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (Luke 23, 33-53)
    • Johann Sebastian Bach, Chorale Ich harre des Herrn (from Cantata BWV 131) (Choir of Notre-Dame)
    • Felix Mendelssohn, Da nobis Pacem (Air France Choir)
    • Kyrie, from Requiem op. 9, by Maurice Duruflé (Choir of Notre-Dame)
    • Giuseppe Verdi, Requiem, Libera me Domine - (Air France Choir)
    The poem Footsteps in the Sand by Brazilian poet Ademar de Barros will be read at the end of the ceremony.

    One night, I dreamed a dream, I was walking along the beach with my Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord. When the last scene of my life shot before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. There was only one set of footprints. I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life. This always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma. "Lord, You told me when I decided to follow You, You would walk and talk with me all the way. But I’m aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints. I just don’t understand why, when I need You most, You leave me”.
    He whispered “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you, never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
    Arcebispado de Paris

    Celebração inter-religiosa de prece

    Para as 228 vítimas do vôo AF 447 de 1° de junho de 2009, para suas famílias e seus entes próximos

    Catedral Notre-Dame de Paris – Quarta-feira 3 de junho de 2009 às 16 horas

    Na presença do cardeal André Vingt-Trois Arcebispo de Paris e presidente da Conferência dos Bispos da França, do Grande Rabino Haïm Korsia, capelão Israelita do ar, do Sr.Mohammed Moussaoui, presidente do Conselho Francês do Culto Musulmano, do Metropolita Emmanuel, presidente da Assembléia dos Bispos Ortodoxos da França e do Pastor Claude Baty, Presidente da Federação Protestante da França.

    Além do Grande Rabino Haïm Korsia, dos capelões católicos, protestantes e musulmanos de Roissy estarão presentes: o Padre Francis Truptil, o Pastor Jean Pierre Dassonville e o Imame Hazem El-Shaffei.

    Esta celebração foi preparada conjuntamente com a Air France. Ela será um tempo de recolhimento e de prece para as famílias e os entes próximos das vítimas, dentro de um espírito de aproximação entre os homens de todos os países e de todas as religiões. Na ocasião serão feitas leituras em francês, inglês e português. A prece será acompanhada por cânticos em francês, latim e alemão da Maîtrise de Notre-Dame de Paris e do Coral da Air France.

    No início da celebração, Mgr Vingt-Trois vai propor aos membros das famílias e entes próximos de levarem 228 velas acesas diante do altar. Elas simbolizam cada um e cada uma dos desaparecidos.
    As famílias serão convidadas a conduzir esta vela no final da celebração.

    Músicas e ****os da celebração:

    • Intróito do Requiem de Duruflé (Maîtrise de Notre Dame)
  • Salmo 42 Wie der Hirsch de Felix Mendelssohn (Coral da Air France)
  • Leitura do Livro das lamentações de Jeremias (Lm 3, 17-26)
  • Salmo 129 (Maîtrise de Notre Dame e assembléia)
  • Eu deposito minha esperança no Senhor, eu tenho a certeza da sua palavra
  • Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo São Lucas (Lc 23, 33-53)
  • Coral de Johann Sebastian Bach, Ich harre des Herrn (trecho Cantate BWV 131) (Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris)
  • Felix Mendelssohn, Da nobis Pacem (Coral da Air France)
  • Trecho do Requiem de Maurice Duruflé, Kyrie (Maîtrise de Notre-Dame)
  • Giuseppe Verdi, Libera me Domine – trechos do Requiem (Coral da Air France)
Um poema “Passos sobre a areia” de Ademar de Barros, poeta brasileiro, será lido no final da celebração.


Uma noite, eu tive um sonho,
Eu caminhava pela praia, lado a lado com o Senhor, deixando uma dupla pegada na areia, a minha e a do Senhor.
Veio-me a idéia – era um sonho – de que cada um dos meus passos representava um dia da minha vida. (…) Mas observei que em certos lugares em vez de duas pegadas, havia apenas uma. Então, dirigindo-me ao Senhor, ousei repreendê-Lo:
“O Senhor nos havia no entanto prometido de estar conosco todos os dias!
Por que não cumpristes a vossa promessa?
Por que me deixastes sozinho no pior momento da minha vida?
Nos dias em que eu mais precisava da vossa presença.”

Mas o Senhor me respondeu:“Meu amigo, os dias em que tu vês uma única marca de passos sobre a areia, são os dias em que Eu te carreguei.”





يتولى القادة العسكريون مهمة الدفاع عن الوطن ، ففي أوقات الحرب تقع على عاتقهم مسؤولية إحراز النصر المؤزر أو التسبب في الهزيمة ، وفي أوقات السلم يتحمّلون عبء إنجاز المهام العسكرية المختلفة ، ولذا يتعيّن على هؤلاء القادة تطوير الجوانب القيادية لديهم من خلال الانضباط والدراسة والتزوّد بالمعارف المختلفة بشكل منتظم ، واستغلال كافة الفرص المتاحة ، ولاسيما أن الحياة العسكرية اليومية حبلى بالفرص أمام القادة الذين يسعون لتطوير أنفسهم وتنمية مهاراتهم القيادية والفكرية


رد مع اقتباس

قديم 07-06-09, 02:22 PM

  رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
مشرف عام

الصورة الرمزية المنتصر

إحصائية العضو

المنتصر غير متواجد حالياً

رسالتي للجميع

افتراضي recovery of the first bodies


Questions amid grief in Brazil

The recovery of the first bodies and debris following the disappearance of the Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris has undoubtedly evoked varying reactions.
For the investigators, it is the first step in a complex task of trying to establish what exactly caused such a sophisticated plane to fall from the sky.
For some of the relatives it is confirmation of their worst fears, while others have refused to give up hope.
"I received the news in the best way possible, because we were all very distressed" says lawyer Marco Tulio Moreno, whose parents were on the plane.
"Now we have evidence of what happened on the plane. This diminishes the anguish of all of us.
"Some people hugged each other, some people cried, but the feeling of everyone is of relief after those days without answers," he told Brazil's TV Globo.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة A Brazilian frigate is part of the search operation for victims and debris

Specialist police officers have gone to the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha where the bodies will arrive on Sunday to start the process of identification.
Families have been asked to provide DNA and personal details, such as what their relatives were wearing on the day of departure.
Among the material recovered from the Atlantic were a case with an Air France ticket, a rucksack and a laptop.
The authorities say further details will only be provided to relatives.

Tragedy repeating
Brazil has been here before. It is only two
years ago that another major air crash brought grief.
In July 2007 a plane from the country's largest airline, Tam, sped off a runway at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, crashing into a nearby building.
In all, 199 people died, including everyone on the flight and some on the ground.
Now, following the disappearance of Air France AF 447, the country is again in a sombre mood.
At least 58 Brazilians are among the missing, ranging from a member of the country's former royal family to the chief of staff of the mayor of Rio, business executives, students and holidaymakers.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة The deaths were mourned in France and other countries

It was an international tragedy, with people from many countries on board the flight, the largest number coming from France itself.
Analysis has focused on the question of turbulence and the possibility that the flight was struck by lightning, or technical concerns with the plane, but there are as many doubts as certainties.
It is, as one French minister acknowledged, a race against time to recover the flight data recorders - the so-called black boxes.
They are only programmed to send out signals for up to 30 days.
There was a stark moment at a press conference in Paris when an official held up the small cylindrical object which emits the signal.
As he clutched it in one hand, it seemed easy to believe that recovering this from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean will be enormously difficult - even with the help of a French nuclear submarine, or another deep-sea submarine that was once used to explore the decks of the Titanic.

Black day
For the last week, the tragedy has dominated the daily papers and weekly news magazines in Brazil.
Pictures of grief-stricken relatives have featured prominently in the coverage, and there are many sad individual stories.
There was the university professor going to the congress in Paris; the oil engineer travelling to Germany on business; the couple heading off on their honeymoon after getting married on Saturday, when they celebrated with families and friends until 3am.
The mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes, was mourning the almost certain loss of Marcelo Parente Gomes de Oliveira, not only a top aide, but a man who had been his friend from childhood.
A largely unaware public has been introduced to the "inter-tropical convergence zone" through which the plane passed, a belt of low pressure in the region of the Equator associated with heavy turbulence.
Pilots are used to dealing with this area of instability, often flying over the thick clouds, it was reported.
Other specialists said there seemed to be nothing from satellite images to suggest there was anything exceptional at the time the flight disappeared.
The primary focus, however, remains on those most directly affected and the continuing search.
نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة Brazil is still dealing with the aftermath of the Tam plane crash two years ago

Brazil is still dealing with the fallout from the Tam tragedy in 2007, and the earlier loss of a passenger plane over the Amazon in September 2006.
For many of the relatives who lost loved ones in those tragedies, there are still issues to be resolved and considerable bitterness remains.

Conflict and criticism
In the first days of uncertainty following the disappearance of the Air France flight there appeared not to be the same level of anger.
Now some criticism is emerging.
The handling of the initial release of information appears to have won few admirers for Brazil's Defence Minister Nelson Jobim.
There was clear irritation in France at claims that debris had been recovered, which then had to be withdrawn, and over the minister's assumption that there probably had not been an explosion on board the plane.
Now concerns are emerging about speed monitors on board the Air France aircraft, and the revelation that this was a general issue of concern since May last year.
It may or may not be of wider significance, given that at least 24 automatic messages indicated a series of systems on board the plane were failing in the last few minutes as it passed through turbulent weather.
French investigators have cautioned against making a premature judgement.
With so few facts established, the cause is still unclear, and the grieving continues.




يقول احد القادة القدماء وهويخاطب جنوده . ( اذا لم تكونوا مستعدين للقتال من أجل ما تروه عزيزاً عليكم , فسوف يأخذه أحد ما عاجلا أو اَجلا , واذا كنتم تفضلوا السلام على الحرية فسوف تخسرونهما معاً , واذا كنتم تفضلوا الراحة والرخاء والسلام على العدل والحرية فسوف تخسروهما جميعا ) .


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