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العودة   ..[ البســـالة ].. > جناح المواضــــيع العســـــــــكرية العامة > Department of General military subjects in English
التعليمـــات قائمة الأعضاء وسام التقويم مشاركات اليوم

Process Deir ez Zor

Department of General military subjects in English

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع

قديم 24-08-10, 12:47 PM

  رقم المشاركة : 1
معلومات العضو
مشرف عام

الصورة الرمزية المنتصر

إحصائية العضو

المنتصر غير متواجد حالياً

رسالتي للجميع

افتراضي Process Deir ez Zor


ProcessDeir ez Zor

Special Report: newspaper (Yediot Aharonot) Israel

Newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" in the supplement on a chapter of a new book by the Israeli scholar Michael Bar-Zohar, and journalist Nissim Mical, under the title "Mossad - major operations."

The chapter discussed the publication today to the Israeli raid on the site of Deir Ez-Zor in Syria, which Israel calls a "nuclear reactor" under construction, and the assassination of the Syrian military Mohammed Suleiman, who was very close to President Bashar al-Asad and the supervisor of the project in the Deir ez-Zor by the Israeli claim.

And the book's publication coincides with the exposure of Israeli spy networks in Lebanon and the involvement of Mossad in the assassination of the leadership in the movement "Hamas", Mahmoud hoarse, in Dubai. And join a series of recent books on the history and the "achievements of the Mossad", the latest book by Israeli novelist Ram Oren, the Mossad agent in the seventy years Alcetin, Sylvia Raphael.

The book showed that the operation in Deir ez-Zor took place after a U.S. intelligence cooperation - an Israeli firm and green light from the administration of George Bush.

The chapter begins with the publication in the newspaper that in July (July) of the year, 207 managed elements of the Mossad break room staff member high-level Syrian at a hotel in the British capital, London, for an inspection, to show them that a relatively easy task, especially as the official Syrian leave his computer on mobile table in the room, to be able to plant spyware in the computer of the Israeli intelligence can copy all the *******s of the computer remotely.

The authors claim that this task was the end of the thread to make sure that planned in Deir Ez-Zor. Tells the authors that the Mossad was able to obtain materials "can not gold" of the computer in question, and enabled for the first time access schemes set up the nuclear reactor in the role of the false, according to Israeli prosecutors, in addition to correspondence between officials from North Korea and Syria in terms of cooperation in the field nuclear, pictures of the building of cement. After checking the identity of the two men appeared in several pictures, the picture is more evident. The first man is the head of the Syrian Commission for Nuclear Energy, Ibrahim Osman, and the other person is an Asian officials on the initiation of nuclear North Korea.

According to the authors, this information confirmed the information accumulated by the Israeli intelligence between the years 2006 - 2007 stating that Syria has in total secrecy to build a nuclear reactor in the Deir Al-Zour with Iranian funding and assistance from North Korea. It argues that the belief of the leaders of the Israeli intelligence services for several years that Syria has no nuclear ambitions. But the sinking of Andorra "from North Korea in 2005, offshore Israel was carrying a" cement ", the story Korean workers and the Syrians and Egyptians were planted with the leaders of the Syrian intelligence apparatus doubt on Syria's intentions. In the following year held Cyprus ship North Korea flying the flag of Panama was heading to the Syrian coast, carrying materials "concrete" and radar tracking devices. At the end of the same year arrived in Damascus nuclear experts from Iran to look into the functioning of the plant in Deir ez Zor, according to the claim by Israeli intelligence.

Attention authors that Israel and the United States made during the five years a number of events and movements, but could not be linked to each other and reveal what is happening in north east Syria, Deir Ez-Zor. The authors attributed the beginning of the alleged Syrian nuclear project to the year 2002 when an Iranian official pledged during a secret meeting with officials from Syria and North Korea to provide the necessary financial support, estimated at two billion dollars.

Tells the authors that the Syrians were able to hide construction in Deir Al-Zour, although the Israeli intelligence and U.S. monitored the location several times via satellite.

But the deciding factor in U.S. and Israeli intelligence official, the testimony of an Iranian military fled to the United States "provoked by the disappeared" in Istanbul, Turkey, and was familiar with the military cooperation between Iran and Syria, including the secret project in Deir Ez-Zor. The authors write that the intelligence the U.S. and Western and Israeli "you can not see and detect the ongoing activities at the site (old age) Deir ez-Zor, but after the defection of former deputy defense minister of Iran, and one of the leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Ali Reza Asghari, the United States, and revealed details of the project nuclear common to Syria and Iran and Korea. "

The authors note that the military is likely transferred to U.S. military camp in Germany on a mission carried out by the CIA in cooperation with Israeli intelligence. After presenting detailed testimony on cooperation between Damascus and Tehran, the Mossad began to prepare a plan of action to stop the clandestine activity in Deir Ez-Zor. And make sure the Mossad information made by the military after being planted spyware in the computer of the Syrian official in the London. The authors claim that the Mossad was able to recruit one of the workers in Deir ez Zor indirectly, and who provided the pictures of Alaschbarat Israeli ground for many of the site. Quickly Mossad to inform U.S. intelligence on the images the floor, to the then Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, in June (June) of 2007 to visit Washington to meet U.S. President George W. Bush, to brief him on the articles of intelligence on the Syrian project in Deir al-Zour, and informed him of his decision to attack the project , the answer is the U.S. refusal was due to the divergence of views within the administration, despite the fact that Bush and the President of the National Security Council, Steve Hadley, given consent in principle to an Israeli military operation, but after review the information again and confirm, as opposed Defense Secretary, Robert Gates and Secretary of Foreign Affairs, was Condoleezza Rice.

In July (July) of the same year, Israel has monitored the site in Deir ez-Zor via satellite "Ofek-7" and got, as contained in the book, pictures of activities at the site, and after informing the U.S. experts and Israeli show of the Israeli intelligence that Syria establish a nuclear reactor according to the "Korean model".

The Israeli government has provided the administration with information confirming the presence of experts from North Korea at the site, in addition to the military intelligence monitored calls between Syrian scholars and experts from North Korea. Book and record of the U.S. administration has refused to give the green light to Israel to attack the site and demanded to "compelling evidence" that the building serves as the objectives of nuclear weapons. To provide conclusive evidence, tells the authors that the government sent in August (August) of the same year a team of elite unit of the General Staff in the Israeli army (Sailler Mtkal) by two helicopters and had to take soil samples, later identified as containing radioactive material, according to claim Israel, which they felt encouraged by the Bush administration, Hadley, "conclusive evidence" that the project in the Deir ez-Zor is a nuclear reactor.

And launched the U.S. administration on this file name "Orchard" and gave the green light to Tel Aviv to attack the site in Deir Ez-Zor. Israeli government decided after consultations long hours to set a date for the operation, the fifth of September (September) 2007. Based on the authors to reports published in the "Sunday Times" that soldiers from the unit "Cldag" Israeli landed in the place the day before the attack, setting goals for aircraft.

Tells the authors that the day set for the process and at 23:00 10 warplanes took off from Ramat David to the Mediterranean Sea. After 30 minutes had received pilots aircraft, three F-15s ordered to return to the air base, with a seven aircraft of the same orientation towards the Syrian border - Turkish, including towards Deir ez-Zor after warplanes destroyed a radar Syria, to reach the aircraft minutes after the goal - Deir ez-Zor, and divorced several surface - air "Meuric" in addition to bombs, each weighing one ton of them to destroy the whole site.

After completion of the operation, tells the authors that Olmert took the initiative to contact the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and asked him to convey a message to Syrian President that "the point of Israel's peace and it does not want war."

■ assassination of General Suleiman

The authors say that «the shots echo the recent bombing of Syrian reactor frequency after 11 months (on the air raid) On 2 August 2008», when General Mohammed Suleiman was assassinated during the recuperation in the Syrian coastal city of Tartous.

And the assassination, the book says that General Suleiman was in his summer home in a beach of Tartus and hosted a group of acquaintances who had stayed up with him and sit around the table on the balcony of the house that night.

Authors did not mention the identity of the snipers, divers were at sea and 150 meters from the balcony of the house of Solomon, after the ship Onazelthma two kilometers from the beach. After confirming the presence of Solomon, sitting at the table, went out to the beach and shot him in the head, killing him, and fled the scene amid the turmoil in the home.





يقول احد القادة القدماء وهويخاطب جنوده . ( اذا لم تكونوا مستعدين للقتال من أجل ما تروه عزيزاً عليكم , فسوف يأخذه أحد ما عاجلا أو اَجلا , واذا كنتم تفضلوا السلام على الحرية فسوف تخسرونهما معاً , واذا كنتم تفضلوا الراحة والرخاء والسلام على العدل والحرية فسوف تخسروهما جميعا ) .


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