عرض مشاركة واحدة

قديم 01-12-09, 09:13 PM

  رقم المشاركة : 2
معلومات العضو
المديــر العـــام

الصورة الرمزية الباسل

إحصائية العضو

الباسل غير متواجد حالياً

رسالتي للجميع



آراؤه الاستراتيجية وتأثيره

آمن ماهان بأن السيطرة على التجارة البحرية هي عنصر أساسي للنصر في الحرب.

If one combatant could manage
to deny the use of the sea to the other, the others' economy would inevitably collapse, leading to victory.
Ironically, however, a Mahanian fleet was not made up mostly of commerce raiders. This was because commerce raiders could not establish command of the sea, while a fleet of battleships and other heavily armed warships could. The Mahanian objective was to build a fleet capable of destroying the enemy's main force in a single decisive battle.
After this victory was won, it would be easy to enforce a blockade against enemy merchants and hunt down their remaining lighter vessels, since with their heavy assets gone, the enemy would be incapable of rebuilding.
For the weaker combatant, meanwhile, the goal was to delay such a climactic battle for as long as possible. While their fleet still posed any threat, the enemy could not risk splitting their forces to close off trade routes. This led to the strategy of a fleet in being, a naval force kept deliberately in port to threaten rather than act.
Mahan's views were shaped by the contests between France and England in the 18th century, where British naval superiority had eventually won out over France, consistently preventing a French invasion or a successful blockade (انظر الحرب النابوليونية, وخصوصاً معركة الطرف الأغروالنظام القاري).
To a modern reader his emphasis on sea-borne commerce may seem commonplace, but the notion was much more radical in Mahan's time, especially in a nation entirely obsessed with landward expansion to the west. On the other hand, Mahan's focus on sea power as the crucial factor behind the rise of Britain neglected the well-********ed role of other means (diplomacy and land armies) and نظريات ماهان لم تستطع تفسير نجاح امبراطوريات غير بحرية, مثل ألمانيا في عهد بسمارك.[3]
After the Civil War, the United States Navy initially opposed replacing its sailing vessels with more advanced steam-powered engines for ideological reasons. However, Mahan argued that only a fleet of armored battleships may be decisive in a modern war. According to his idea of one decisive battle, he also opposed any attempts to divide a fleet. Mahan's work encouraged a technological upgrade by convincing those opposed that naval knowledge and tactics remained as necessary as ever, but that domination of the seas dictated that the speed and predictability of steam-powered engines could not be sacrificed.
His books were received with great acclaim, and closely studied in Britain and Germany, influencing their buildup of forces in the years prior to World War I. Mahan's influence sowed the seeds for events such as the naval portion of the الحرب الأمريكية الاسبانية ومعارك تسوشيماويوتلاند والأطلنطي. His work also influenced the doctrines of every major navy in the interwar period. Mahan was translated and extensively read in Japan,[4] and the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) used Influence as a ****book. This strongly affected IJN conduct in the حرب المحيط الهادي, with emphasis on "decisive battle", even at the expense of trade protection. Ironically, Mahan's premise that a reserve force is incapable to recover after initial overwhelming defeat was refuted by the US Navy's own recovery after Pearl Harbor. The IJN pursuit of the "decisive battle" was carried out to such an extent that it contributed to Japan's defeat in 1945.[5][6] And Mahanian doctrine of a decisive battle fought between fleets of battleships became obsolete by the development of submarines and aircraft carriers.[7]
Nevertheless, Mahan's concept of sea power went beyond sheer naval superiority. He argued that states should benefit from periods of peace to build their production and shipping capacities and they should acquire overseas possessions, either in the form of colonies or privileged access to foreign markets.[8] However, he also stressed that the number of coaling stations and strategic naval bases should be small enough not to drain too many resources from the mother country.[9]


الأكاديمية البحرية الأمريكية أطلقت اسمه على مبنى بها.
قراءات اضافية




يتولى القادة العسكريون مهمة الدفاع عن الوطن ، ففي أوقات الحرب تقع على عاتقهم مسؤولية إحراز النصر المؤزر أو التسبب في الهزيمة ، وفي أوقات السلم يتحمّلون عبء إنجاز المهام العسكرية المختلفة ، ولذا يتعيّن على هؤلاء القادة تطوير الجوانب القيادية لديهم من خلال الانضباط والدراسة والتزوّد بالمعارف المختلفة بشكل منتظم ، واستغلال كافة الفرص المتاحة ، ولاسيما أن الحياة العسكرية اليومية حبلى بالفرص أمام القادة الذين يسعون لتطوير أنفسهم وتنمية مهاراتهم القيادية والفكرية


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